Spiritual Care Competence Questionnaire

Spiritual Care Competence Questionnaire

The SCCQ* uses 26 diagnostic items and some additional informative items. In its primary version it differentiates seven factors:

  1. Perceptual Competences
  2. Team Spirit
  3. Documentation Competences
  4. Self-Awareness and proactive Opening Competences
  5. Knowledge about other Religions
  6. Interviewing Competences 
  7. Proactive Empowerment Competences

The instrument can be used to assess the competences of care teams and to evaluate the outcomes of Spiritual Care competence training Courses.

First puplications

Frick E, Theiss M, Rodrigues Recchia D, Büssing A (2019) Validierung einer deutschsprachigen Skala zur Messung der Spiritual Care Kompetenz. Spiritual Care 2019; 8(2): 193–207

Frick  E, Ziemer P, Heres S, Ableidinger K, Pfitzer F, Büssing A: Spirituelle Kompetenz in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie – Hindernisse und Erfolgsfaktoren. Nervenarzt 2020; 92:479–486

Mandelkow L, Frick E, Büssing E, Reme SA: Norwegian Psychotherapy: Religiosity Gap and Spiritual Care Competence. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health 2021;

Pastrana T, Frick E, Krikorian A, Ascencio L, Galeazzi F, Büssing A: Translation and validation of the Spanish Version of the Spiritual Care Competence Questionnaire (SCCQ) Journal of Religion and Health 2021; 60 (in press)